Saturday, July 15, 2006

What would you do?

A buddy of mine asked if this made him a complete jackass....


When he and his brothers were younger, they were saving their money up to buy a go-cart. Their father was putting the money into an account for them. Well something happened, they ended up forgetting about the account, their dad bought them a go-cart later on anyway, and just recently his dad was going through his finances and saw the account was still active. He withdrew the money, closed the account, and divided the amount 3 ways; each brother getting $400.

My buddy has not told his wife about the money yet for a few reasons. 1) she'll want half and he's a little selfish at the moment with it, since it was his money that he was saving. 2) she'll want half to go spend on something and it won't get saved (my friend is really good about his finances and saves his money.

So is he wrong for not telling his wife? Is he a dickwad for wanting the money for himself? Either to spend on himself or to save?

I have been known to use my birthday money (I still get birthday money from parents and grandparents :)) on gifts for my wife, but I spoil her rotten and probably shouldn't...because as a result she bought me some orange Nike Air Max's for $160.00. I appreciate the gesture, but for some reason she didn't hear me saying "I would never spend $160 on a pair of running shoes." She justified it by saying I splurge on her all the time (she spent $180.00 at my Dad's jewelry store....we get 50% or better discounts there (most times we pay cost or less even) and I said it was fine). *Here is where I'd insert the head bashing off the wall emoticon*.


I think the only ones who read this are Sarah and Jackie :D.....

for which I'm grateful!


Señor Texan said...

that's what I would do, but I laughed at him and said I understood his dilema. Thanks buddy! when's the flight home?

Anonymous said...

also voting "not dickwad"

Señor Texan said...

but what would you do pck? Spend it on Mrs pck or your boys or yourself or save it?

Sarah said...

I understand why he wouldn't want to tell her but at the same time I'd be pissed if my husband did that. Mostly because I'm kind of selfish, though.

Anonymous said...

I've done something similar: kept little windfalls secret. In the end, I usually end up spending it on something for my wife.

paigniac said...

You're right, I don't read this

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm reading this too. I was enteretained at work for about 5 minutes, so that's a good thing.