Friday, July 25, 2008

Frosted Flakes makes for a decent Dinner

Although, an hour or so later you might be really hungry again.

The dog I'm dog-sitting while everyone is out of town woke me up at 5:00 a.m. today, whining and crying to go out.

I let him out, walk him across the street to the park area to pee. He does nothing. I walked him around for 5 minutes, and he did nothing.

Back inside I try to go back to sleep. Dog keeps whining...I can hear him through my bedroom door.

I let him out again. Same thing.

I feed him some, hoping that will help him go. He eats and a little later he's begging to go out again. I let him out. Nothing.

2 hours later he's whining really loudly. I half expected him to piss/crap on the floor. I was in a foul mood (unable to go back to sleep) and could have used a better reason to yell at the dumb beast.

I let him out he finally goes. I feel like crap though because I didn't sleep well as it is, and getting up at 5 after going to bed a midnight really wasn't my plan.

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